Monday, July 20, 2009

Unexpected Beginning...

Picture a town. Population just over 1000 people. There are 2 gas stations. There is no other town for miles.

8 miles outside this town is a little cluster of 'Wobs' (Sheds that are big enough for 2 twin beds with about 3 feet of space between them where 2 people live) and a couple of ‘Mods’ (little houses that up to 6 people can live in). This is my new home.

When I accepted a job at Mesa Verde I wasn’t sure what to expect. I expected it to be hot. I expected there to be a lot of people. But I had no idea what was actually waiting for me.

One of the first people I met was a man named Claudio. He is from Romania. Then Lane, from the Philippians, Frank is native American, the list goes on and on. Every day I meet new people from different places, of different nationalities. At first I thought it might be hard to connect with many of them and become friends, so I was somewhat hesitant. I didn’t know how much we would actually have in common, or if they even wanted to be my friend.. Last night I went over to a mod where a couple of guys live and tried different kinds of sushi. It was So much fun!! I was shocked at how comfortable I felt around these people who I had thought would be SO different from me, and would be hard to connect with. Claudio made dinner for everyone and we sat down together to eat. An Ipod was playing music in the backround, a mixture of music from all the different cultures. Towards the end of the night I was starting to recognize words out of songs and could remember what they ment. So far, everyone I’ve met has been concerned about me being comfortable and me having everything that I need. J

Today will be my first day of work at the lodge. I’m Very excited to meet more people I work with and I hope to learn more about their cultures throughout the rest of my summer!!

I also have family home evening tonight with the singles group from the wards in towns nearby. I’m very excited!!


Randi said...

I'm so excited for you and your new adventures! I can't wait to hear what you learn about the park, and of course everything else!

kristi r said...

Yea!!! Sounds like fun, and I'm eager to hear how FHE and work went/are!

Dave said...

I hope you have time to update us on your new journey. Sounds like you are plenty busy already :-)

Enjoy yourself!! I remember when I struck out on my own... Scary, but fun, times.

Anonymous said...

What a great adventure. You can influence so many people for good. It reminds me a little of the pioneers setting out not knowing what they would find along the way. I know you have the strength of your Grandmothers who pulled and pushed the handcarts. The good and bad times gave them knowledge and strength. Can't wait to hear about your first day.

Anonymous said...

What a great adventure. You can influence so many people for good. It reminds me a little of the pioneers setting out not knowing what they would find along the way. I know you have the strength of your Grandmothers who pulled and pushed the handcarts. The good and bad times gave them knowledge and strength. Can't wait to hear about your first day.

Yvonne said...

Hi, Hannah. I'm a friend of your mom's.

Good luck--I hope you have a wonderful experience.

Heather said...

Finally you are back!

beckers said...

Hi Hannah!! Can't wait to hear more about EVERYTHING there!!!

Jennifer said...

Hey Hannah. I am going to link you to my blog so I remember to check and see how you are doing. We are excited to hear all about your adventure!