Thursday, December 3, 2009

Winter Wonder Land

I'm not sure what it is about me choosing places to live and work that are in the middle of nowhere, but I've done it again! For the winter season I've chosen to work at a resort in the Teton Mountains! It is located about 50 miles away from JacksonHole, WY and between here and there its nothing but snow! The resort is specifically for snowmobiling and dog sledging.

And in case anybody is wondering, No, we do NOT live in sheds! thank goodness! AND in our rooms we all have our own Hot water heaters! (I know, talk about an upgrade! It's like they Actually care or something!!)
Did you guys know there is such a thing as a professional snowmobilier. Me either. Until I started to meet them.
Apparently I'm the only one on the mountain who didn't know that KLIM was a snowmobile clothing brand. And I ended up checking in the man who created it. Lets just say that was a somewhat embarrassing situation... but now I even Own some KLIM gear, just to make up for it :)

I get to go snowmobiling a pretty good amount, and I love it! We have some of the best guides in America out here, and they are working on teaching me all kinds of new stuff! It's a lot of fun!! I'm actually working right now, but I'll try to post again soon and tell some cool Crazy stories!!


Dave said...

i am impressed

:-) being able to drive a snowmobile earns you so many cool points i don't know where to start :-)

Anonymous said...

How fun. it makes me want to visit you and do some snowmobiling. Are you still getting snow?